↳ Marin lab lineup in October 2018.
Current and former members of the Marin Lab team

Do you want to be part of our team? we always have projects for bachelor, master projects or internships, with many agreements with other universities around the globe. Contact Alvaro for more info.

Tommie Verouden, Msc
Tommie will be working in his PhD on fragmentation of respiratory-like liquids and lifting our swimming record in the Batavieren race

Hester van Wachem, Bsc
After an internship at Cambridge University, Hester is currently doing her master assignment on capillary flows through microstructured porous materials.

Abe Sikkema, Bsc
When he’s not out cycling, he’s in our labs working on his master thesis with our cough machine.

Pepijn Hoekstra, Bsc
Pepijn just finished his bachelor thesis analysing the morphology of artificial saliva droplets.

Eline Ax, Bsc
After an internship in Tokyo with the great Sensei Tagawa, Eline is working on her master project in our labs.

Raphael Saiseau, PhD
Raph worked as a postdoc on our ERC Proof of Concept grant “NanoPlastBalls” until the end of 2024.

Yongchen Jiang, pre-Bsc
Yongchen did his bachelor at UTSC and came for an internship in our labs, working on spontaneous flow transitions in evaporating drops.
Sebastien Galas, Bsc
Sebastien finished his bachelor at ENS Paris and just did his internship in our labs, with an excellent job on spontaneous flow transitions in evaporating drops. Bonne chance Sebas!
David van de Vliert, Bsc
David finished his bachelor assignment on our alcoholic drop project, I will show part of his work at the APS-DFD 2024 in Salt Lake City!
Joost Dekker, Msc
Joost did his bachelor assignment on a cool but challenging project with Maurice Mikkers, founder of the Centrifuge Camera YouTube Channel
Edgar Ortega, Msc
Edgar ran numerical experiments on clogging of dense suspensions, in collaboration with Mathieu Souzy, Devaraj van der Meer and Stefan Luding using MercuryDPM.
Mathieu Souzy, PhD
Hardcore board game player, Mathieu has become with us a world expert on the clogging of suspensions. He is a frequent visitor and collaborator.
Eva Krolis, Msc
Eva made her master assignment with us on evaporation of graphene oxide solutions (2022-2023), in close collaboration with our friends at Botto’s group in TU Delft.
Prof. Javier Rodriguez
Recognisable by his Grolsch (water) bottle and his loud laughs, Javi works normally at University Carlos III in Madrid but he spent a sabbatical in Enschede working in our labs on evaporation of respiratory-like droplets.
Carola Seyfert, PhD
Dedicated birdwatcher and color dreamer, Carola defended her PhD on evaporation of colloidal suspension droplets, winner of a beautiful gallery of Fluid motion, and still working with us on more stuff.
Meltem Lampe, Msc
Meltem was an undergraduate student working on a cool project evaporating graphene droplets, in collaboration with our friends in TU Delft from Botto’s group.
Sven van Leeuwen, Msc
A real athlete in our team, Sven was an undergraduate student working on football as a confined system of active agents.
Prof. Jiaming Zhang
Postdoc with us from 2016 to 2020, now Professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in China.
Myrthe Bruning, PhD
Among many amazing stuff, Myrthe figured out how to turn droplets into bubbles…:o She finished her PhD with the thesis: “Confined and Colloidal Droplets” on January 2021.
Andrey Antonowycz, Msc
Graduated with the bachelor thesis: “Analysis of an Artificial Intelligence Football algorithm via Lagrangian and Eulerian Flow Statistics” on July 2021
Bryan Verveld, Msc
Graduated with the master thesis: “Marangoni Bursting of Colloidal Mixtures” on November 2020
Eva Krolis, Bsc
Graduated with the Bachelor thesis: “Evaporation-driven particle assembly on micro-structured fractal-like substrates” on June 2019.