Category Archives: Seminars & conferences

Dutch Soft Matter Meeting Autumn edition

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This month of November 2022 we celebrated the 32nd edition of the Dutch Soft Matter meeting, organised by Liesbeth Janssen (TU/e) and myself. In this occasion we counted as international keynote speaker with the great Prof. Sarah Keller (@KayTrue) from the University of Washington, and national speakers with Bijoy Bera (TUD), Ioana Ilie (@Ioana_Ilie_uva, UvA), Alexandre Morin (UL), Julien Es Sayed (UG) and Janne-Mieke Meijer (TU/e).

12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference – Vienna –

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In this year’s Euromech, I’ll be presenting our  latest results on the pattern formation in evaporating salty drops, much of it will be hopefully soon be submitted for publication. Particularly excited to show the very fresh results of my students Laura and Myrthe!

The presentation will be part of the minisymposium “Fluid mechanics of particles at interfaces and surfactants” organized by Lorenzo Botto, from Queen Mary University of London (UK). 

Hope to see you there!

Seminars “El Almendro” 2017

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Together with Javier Rodriguez-Rodriguez, we have been organizing this workshop/seminar “El Almendro” for a few years in the University Carlos III in Madrid.
The show runs on Friday 22 December 2017 in the University Carlos III of Madrid, free entrance! Here is the line-up:

10:00 Welcome
10:10 Iker Zuriguel, Universidad de Navarra: “Pedestrian flow through bottlenecks”
10:50 Claudia Esarte, Centro de Tecnologia Repsol: ““Tecnologia de combustibles en Repsol””
11:30 Cafelito
12:00 Javier Urzay,  Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University.
12:40 Alvaro Marin, Universidad de Twente: “Drying Teardrops”
13:10 Laura Bernáez, Max Planck for Brain Research: “Modelling the communication between neurons”
13:50 Despedida y a comida!